Saturday, August 06, 2005

Who has time to blog?

Lately, I like to sit on the porch swing (which daughter just stained/sealed to earn spending money for her various vacations; what a lovely rich dark color now) and watch the pears hang on the pear tree. They are lovely shaped and green, framed by their elongated leaves. I hope to harvest some before they over-ripen and fall and attract hordes of bees. It seems to be a good year for pears.

Last evening, spent a small fortune outfitting son for his 12-day Outward Bound trek in the high Sierras. Not much time for him to break in those hiking boots, but so it goes.

It's that mid-season, I'm-so-behind time in the garden. The tomato harvest is a dam waiting to burst. The weeds have gotten the upper hand. Much of the vegetable garden needs to be pulled, cleaned, and turned. And I can hardly keep up cutting the zinnias, dahlias, glads, sunflowers, and miscellaneous other beauties. The bounty of summer!

So who has time to blog, when there's pears to watch hang? I gotta mow...

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