Saturday, December 23, 2006

The most beautiful Christmas tree!

xmas tree 06-a.jpg
Originally uploaded by rebetsky.
...and I've learned it's darned hard to photograph a Christmas tree!


Anonymous said... it real?

Roger R. said...

Almost looks too beautiful to be real, doesn't it? I have to pinch myself — I mean I have to pinch it sometimes when I walk by it just to make sure.

Anonymous said...

Yes,they do make plastic ones so beautiful these days, it's hard to get a real one that looks as good. I guess when you pinch it and the needles come off in you hand...that'll tell you.

Roger R. said...

Actually, it's so fresh and green, you can pinch it all you want and the needles stay on. Doesn't have much aroma, though. "Beautiful" is never a word I would use in the same sentence as "plastic ones."

Anonymous said...

And none of your ornaments or lights contain any plastic?

Roger R. said...

Well, I don't know of any way to have lights without plastic. As for the ornaments, no, they are all glass, wood, or ceramic; there may be a stray one with plastic that was a gift. The TREE, though, is the key, and it is 100% plastic-free.