Sunday, March 27, 2005

The record falls...and an Easter question

It didn't stand long. 21 eggs for Holy Saturday. They must be religious birds, working overtime for Easter.

Even as I finished yesterday's post, the bulbs arrived from Holland chanting "plant me!". They will have to wait, though, as it's a little too wet and I'm a little too busy. Today, the fig tree arrived and would not take no for an answer. It's planted and hopefully happy.

Meantime, since all of the entree is taken care of, I'm working on a pair of fruit tarts for the Easter feast.

So, does anyone know definitively when Lent officially ends? Daughter is scolding me for telling her she shouldn't break her Lenten soda fast until Easter Sunday, or at least sundown on Holy Saturday. I'm finding different opionions on the timing. I think I'm sticking to sundown Saturday.

(AC, an exception to the "rule".!?,. Oh no!)

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